Perfect direction.

When the soldier is in the battlefield, he cannot experiment with different kind of weapons. Experimentation is possible only in the peaceful environment.

Similarly, due to competitive environment now a days, many students who do not have the competitive nature due to lack of proper training or due to lack of inborn competitive qualities remain behind the race and are unable to figure out the way to handle the regularly increasing pressure. Most of them tend to forget that although they might not be getting the way to compete in the battlefield, but if they get the way out of the battlefield, and experiment peacefully, they definitely can do wonders in life.

We all are born with wonderful unique qualities of our own, this world may understand or may not. First step is that we understand ourselves, and then work upon improvement of the qualities we have got. It’s very important to keep the relation with those who encourage us in our natural talents. It’s very easy for anyone to work in the field of their natural talents, and it’s very difficult for anyone to work against their nature!

Most successful beings are not those who can work everything perfectly, but are those who work in the perfect direction!

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